The Bestest Xmas Present Ever!

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Lucy Fae
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Id been playing an online game and I got talking to this girl called Lucy Fae who was a pretty darned good gamer. I asked her what she was doing for Xmas and she said nothing, cos her family were in another state so she was just going to play games. I said I was home alone also. I said why dont come over and we can play games together and do Xmas stuff. I was super surprised when this really cute girl came over. Shes so pretty. She said that shes brought a Xmas present for me but she needs to go into bathroom before she give it to me. She came out with a little santa negligee on. Ta-da she said. I couldnt speak. What is going on here! Then she got embarrassed and asked if she looked bad or had misread the situation. No. Wow. No way. Amazing. She got in front of the tree. Shall I do a little strip for you! she said. Yes please. It became more of a strip and we had amazing sex. All day. And the next day. And the next. The bestest Xmas present was getting a girlfriend.

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